Molybdenum is one of the popular metallic elements in the periodic table. The atomic number of molybdenum is 42 and it is represented by chemical symbol of Mo and present in the group 6. The name of molybdenum means lead because its ores are similar with lead. Its minerals have been popular into prehistory and it was found by Carl Wilhelm Scheele in 1778 and isolated for the first time by Pter Jacob in 1781. Today, molybdenum is primarily used as molybdenum wire in significant applications.
Since, molybdenum doesn't find as free material on the earth's crust, it is not an isolated metal but found in different oxidation states. Molybdenum in its free state looks like silvery grey metal and it has sixth highest melting point. It produces tough, stabilized carbides in alloys that's why 80% molybdenum is used in the production of various alloys around the world. It also forms high potential alloys and superalloys.
Generally the molybdenum compounds introduce lower dissolution capacity in the water though the molybdate ion represented as MoO42- is highly soluble and makes molybdenum compounds which easily contact with water and air. The molybdenum compounds that are prepared industrially are made for using in the extremely large pressure and severe temperature operations like catalysts and color particles.
The enzymes consisting of molybdenum are very popular catalysts and these are utilized by certain organisms to dissociate the chemical bonds of nitrogen molecule present in air for biological nitrogen fixation.Near about 50 molybdenum based enzymes are found in germs and animals however among of these enzymes, only bacterial enzymes and cyano bacterial enzymes perform the nitrogen fixation, and these consist of molybdenum in the distinct form from the others. On the base of different functions of molybdenum enzymes, this element is essential for survival of life in the higher class of organisms.
The molybdenum wire is introduced in the silver grey color with very high melting point of 2,623 °C or 4,753 °F. This metal comes in the category of high melting point metals which occur naturally such as tantalum, osmium, rhenium, tungsten and carbon. Merely oxidation of metal begins upon heating up to 300 °C. Molybdenum metal comes in the category of metals with minimum coefficient of thermal expansion that are used on the industrial basis. The tensile strength of molybdenum wire improves three times from ten to thirty GPa whereas the diameter reduces from 50 - 100 nm to 10 nm.
Molybdenum has 35 popular isotopes with atomic mass varying from 83 to 117. These are also metastable nuclear isomers. Among 35 isotopes, the seven isotopes are found naturally having atomic mass 92 to 100. The molybdenum isotope with mass 100 units solely unstable element, rest are stable. Molybdenum 98 isotope is found in extensive amount and consists of 24.14% molybdenum. The half life period of Molybdenum – 100 is 1019 years and it shows double beta decay in the ruthenium. The molybdenum isotopes with atomic mass number varying from 111 to 117 have half life periods of 150 ns, on the other side the unstable isotopes of molybdenum dissociate into niobium, technetium and ruthenium.