The electroless nickel plating is a chemical reaction takes place in the presence of auto catalyst that results into accumulation of nickel phosphorus or nickel boron alloy on the solid workpiece that can be metal or plastic material. This process is based on the availability of reducing agent that can be moisture sodium hypophosphite (NaPO2H2·H2O) that reacts with the metal to collect the pure metal.
Different concentrations of alloys like phosphorus varying from two to five to eleven to fourteen are considered. The metallurgical features of alloys highly depend on the concentration of phosphorus. The nickel sheet is used in plating.
In the electroless nickel plating, coating of nickel is accumulated on the substrate. Contrasting to electroplating, it is not essential to supply current to the solution to get the metal accumulated on the substrate. This plating method is used to avoid the corrosion and wear and tear. This technique can also be used to prepare the composite coatings by deferring powder in the wash.
There are benefits of choosing electroless plating over electroplating. This techniques controls over the flux density and current flow problems and provides the uniform accumulation irrespective of the shape of substrate and with the help of pre- plate catalyst, it can accumulate metal on the insulated facades.
Prior to start the process of electroless nickel plating, clean the material that is need to be plated using chemicals. It comes under the pre- processing.If you cannot eradicate the unnecessary dust particles from the surface it tends to result into inadequate plating. Every chemical process should be followed by the water washing to discard the chemicals that retain on the surface of substance. The degreasing eradicates the oil from the surface and the acid washing eradicates the scaling.
The commencement is made with the weak acid, nickel sheet and if the substrate is a nonmetallic element then a proprietary solution. Thereafter completing the plating method, the plated materials should be completed using an antioxidant chemical like chromate and after then it is washed by water to remove the stains. The washed material should be dried completely or baked to get the complete toughness of the plated surface.
The pre processing of material is essential to deposit nickel and cobalt on an insulator surface that requires an initial surface preparation to leave the substrate hydrophilic. By using these techniques one can make the surface ready with the help of the splendid metal like palladium chloride. The silver nitrate is used to activate the ABS plastic and more. The electroless bath production alters with the activator. So now the substrate is prepared for the nickel accumulation.
This process uses nickel metal on the main level to electrolss plate the material. The specialty of this process is that it conserves electricity and insures the quality deposition of the metal on the surface if it is cleaned properly.