Molybdenum comes in the category of the most abundant elements found on the earth that it is the 54th element in the class of elements with largest magnitude on the planet. It is at the 25th plentiful element found in the ocean and 42nd plentiful element in the world. The Luna 24 belonged to Russia has found the molybdenum bearing particle in the pyroxene piece obtained from the Mare crisium fro the moon's surface. The relative scarcity of molybdenum metal is similar to copper. However molybdenum is introduced on the earth in the minerals of wulfenite and powellite, the primary and major sources of molybdenum extracted on the commercial scale from the ore of molybdenite. The molybdenum is extracted from the principal ore and reclaimed as a side product of copper and tungsten extraction.
In 1885, the Kanben mine in the south Norway was the initial and commercial mine of molybdenum. It shut down in 1973 to 2007 and reopened.The wide scale mines in Colorado and British Columbia retrieved molybdenite as the basic product during several porphyry copper stacks like bingham Canyon Mine located at Utah and the Chuquicamata mine present in the northern Chile provides molybdenum as the side product during copper extraction.
The production of molybdenum reached to 250,000 tons in 2011, when the China became the biggest manufacturer of Molybdenum providing about 94,000 tonsper year, United states came on second position providing 64,000 tons per year, Chile on third position providing 38000 tons, Peru on fourth position providing 18,000 tons per year and Mexico on fifth position providing 12000 tons of molybdenum per year. The whole reservoir sums up to 10 million tons and the widest molybdenum reservoir stacks in China. Continent wise the largest contributor of Molybdenum production are North America and South America and China. Other continents like Europe and other parts of Asia like Russia, Iran and others produce the remaining percentage of molybdenum.
To produce the molybdenum wire initially the molybdenite processing is done such that the molybdenite is initially warmed up to the high temperature of 700 °C or 1,292 °F to oxidize the sulfide from the molybdenum oxide by the presence of oxygen. The oxidized ore is more heated to 1,100 °C or 2,010 °F in order to vaporize the oxide or it is leached with ammonia that combines with molybdenum oxide to produce water soluble molybdate. The molybdenite is contaminated with copper that is dissolves in ammonia less likely. In order to discard it from the solution completely, molybdenite is precipitated with hydrogen sulfide.
The pure molybdenum is obtained by performing the reduction of oxide in the presence of hydrogen whereas the molybdenum chosen for steel manufacturing is reduced by following the aluminothermic process including iron to make ferromolybdenum. The popular form of the ferromolybdenum consists of about molybdenum by 66%. In August 2009 molybdenum wire was sold by approx $30,000 for each ton of molybdenum and the price was $10,000 per ton from 1997 to 2003.