The resistance and conductance of a nikrothal wire or resistor or a device is basically determined by following the two aspects such as geometry and kind of a material. Geometry is an essential aspect because it is tougher drive the water through the long and narrow pipe than through a broad and small pipe. Similarly the long and thin nikrothal wire offers larger resistance than the wire of little and thick shape.
The kind of materials is another essential aspect. If we consider a pipe blocked with hair that opposes the flow water more than the pipe that is clean though both have same size and configuration. Similarly the electrons can pass through freely and quickly from the copper rather than nickel resistance wire of same configuration. The electrons certainly can not pass through insulator such as glass irrespective of its configuration. The difference between the nickel, copper and glass is based on their microscopic level structure and the electron valency that is named as resistivity of wire. The resistivity is recognized by he color code and it is measured by the ohmmeter.
The materials through which the electricity can pass easily are known as conductors. A resistor is piece of material of resistance that is used in the circuit. The conducting materials are those with high conductivity like metals. Unlikely conductors, the resistors are those materials made of different materials and depend on several factors of the materials like resistance it offers, quantity of energy it needs to release, precision and price.
Normally the metallic materials follow the Ohm's law that is an empirical law based on the potential V established across the materials and the current I passes through it. V is directly proportional to current. However materials do not follow this law properly. For example diodes and batteries. But the wires and resistors follow this law strictly. The devices which follow the ohm's law are called ohmic devices whereas the devices that do not follow the ohm's law are called non ohmic device.
As the resistance of the material depends on its two factors like shape and kind of material, the resistance is inversely proportional to the cross section area of it. For example the nikrothal resistance wire with large thickness conducts more current than thin wire. Secondly the resistance is directly proportional to the length of the material. For example the long nikrothal wire offers more resistance than the wire with shorter length. The resistance and conductance of a conducting material are calculated as:
R = ρl / A
G = σ A / l
Here l is a length of the wire, R is resistance, G is conductance, A is cross section area, p is resistivity and σ is conductivity. The resistivity and conductivity are proportional constants. Thus, following these relations, w can easily calculate the resistance and conductance of a wire.