Nichrome, a superior combination of Nickel and Chromium is capable to dissolve other metals while conserving its plastic nature. Nickel is a corrosion and heat resistive metal in the fluid conditions. On the other side chromium is a heat resistive metal. The distinct properties of chromium are its toughness and corrosion resistance. The nichrome resistance wire also consists of manganese, sulfur, carbon, titanium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus and iron, however in the amount of less than one percent.
The nichrome strip is considered for large resistance and melting point such as Nichrome Cr20Ni80 can operate under temperatures of 1200 degree C and Nichrome Cr15Ni60 can perform up to 1125 degree C. With the increase in content of nickel in the alloy, it is capable tolerate more heat.
The features such as resistance to corrosion, extremely high resistivity and lower coefficient of electric resistance make nichrome strip , a premier alloy in the heating elements that enable it to work in the extremely high corrosion environments. The plasticity offers different processing, the lower density of 8.4 gm per meter cube offers magnificent weight ratio. However nichrome is an expensive alloy but its distinct features like ductility, heating resistance, quality and consistency in the performance make it a superior heating wire.
As nichrome is a highly plastic material, it can be used to make strip heating strip of 0.1 mm width. It is commonly used for supply of current to convert it into heat. The nichrome resistance wire is also used in the formation of resistance units, resistors and resistance elements. The nichrome is featured with lightweight, vibration stabilization and durability by which it is capable to use for initiating controller resistors in the climbing cranes. With the help of nichrome resistors, the crane engine starts easily and controls the speed and slows down the motor using alternating or direct current.
The nichrome strip Cr20Ni80 is utilized in the production of heating and slicing materials such as thermal blades and stoves, industrial furnace thermoelements with different kinds of burning using different heating values. It is also used in the domestic electric heating devices.
The nichrome strip Cr15Ni60 is utilized in the non precision resistor manufacturing preferably due to its low price and large affordable efficiency. It is utilized for large potential electrical equipment. It is manufactured according to the national standards and produced by rolling or electric process.
Nichrome strip is tied in the form of coils to a particular resistance and the current is supplied to generate the heat. It doesn't get oxidized thus the strip avoids the burn off. Also nichrome is the best anti corrosive material and has very high coefficient of resistance. Nichrome is applied for heat processing, air carbon furnace, chemical industry, machines and metallurgical processes. It is widely used in ceramics as an internal support structure to assist elements in the clay molds to maintain their shape in the soft and wet conditions. In the metallurgical processing the nichrome strip offers excellent plasticity.