Nickel plays vital role in the production of various alloys such that Nickel is used in the significant amount and has vital impact on the properties of alloys. On the other side nickel is combined with other metals to introduce alloys with enhanced properties. The wide range of nickel alloys and their chemical composition will be discussed in this article.
Monel 400
Monel 400 alloys constitutes of nickel by 63%, copper by 28 to 34%, iron by 2.5b % and balance – negligible amounts of Manganese and Other Balance by2 % Manganese and Other Trace Elements.
Incoloy 825
The incoloy 825 consists of Nickel by 38 to 46 %, Chromium by 19.5 to 23.5 %, Molybdenum by2.5 to 3.5 %, and balance of other Trace Elements
The Inconel 625 constitutes of Nickel by 72 % atleast, Chromium by 14 to 17 %, Iron by 6 to 10 % and balance of Other Trace metals.
The nickel iron alloys are featured as low expansion alloys or similar expansion alloys consist of different compositions of nickel to produce different alloys such as 36 alloys consist of 36% nickel, 42 alloy consists of 41% nickel, 46 alloy consists of 46% nickel, 48 alloy consists of 47.5% nickel and 52 alloy consists of 50.5% nickel concentration.
The Iron- Nickel and cobalt alloys constitute of Nickel, iron and cobalt as the prime elements and also various other elements in nominal percentages to enhance the alloy properties. For example nickel is basically present in 31%, Co in 15%, Mn in 00.07 %, Si in 00.05 %, C in 00.01 %, Al in 00.001 %, Mg in 00.001 %, Zr in 00.001 %, Ti in 00.001 %, Cu in 00.05 %, Cr in 00.05 %, Mo in 00.001 %, and Fe in balance amount.
The nickel resistance wire alloys generally possess diameter of .081 and .010 offer different resistance at different temperatures such 30 ohm resistance is offered at 68Degrees F, 60 Ohm resistance is offered at 68 Degrees F, 90 Ohm resistance is offered at 68 Degrees F, and 180 Ohm resistance is offered at 68 Degrees F.
The circular mill describes the area covered by a circle that is equal to 1/1000 inch or .001". the circular mill foot is equal to the wire's resistance in CMF that has a length of unit foot and its diameter is equal to one circular mill i.e. .001 ".
The circular mill can be changed to square mills by multiplying the circular mill feet with 0.7857
If the user is familiar with the diameter value of circular wire in mils, it can be changed to area circular mils by multiplying the dia value in mils with dia in mils.
For instance:
1 Ohm = !,000,000 Microhms
1 Ohm = 1,000 Milliohms
1 Ohm Centimeter = 6015304.934 Ohms CMF
6.015304934 Ohms CMF = 1 Microhm Per Centimeter
The tempering options of carbon steel are mentioned below:
Dead Soft refers to complete annealing by additional Spring Tempering