Molybdenum represented with a chemical symbol of Mo is a refractory material which is sturdy, stable carbide and it has very high melting point such that it is referred to be a metal with 6th highest melting point among the all elements of periodic table.
Molybdenum is widely used as a metal with high temperature resistance as well as corrosion protection properties which prove to be an advantage in defense, superalloy, and semiconductor applications.
Molybdenum Wire with improved sturdiness, durability and protection from corrosion resistance is a featured material for industrial technologies. Since the industrial purposes require the materials that can bear with large stress and extended temperatures as well as they can work in the highly corrosive conditions without undergoing any change. Molybdenum alloys are introduced in the coil, Molybdenum sheet, bar, plate and electronic materials.
This cost effective and reliable metal has an ability to fulfill the certain requirements of the users while providing the most effective results. Excellent electrical and heat conduction properties such that Molybdenum has almost 50% more conduction properties than steel and nickel materials. It results in to making it the most efficient choice for heat sinks. It offers highest electrical conductivity among the entire refractory metals and it shows linear coefficient of thermal expansion with the uniform temperature variations. This feature increases the Molybdenum's heat conduction efficiency due to this it is widely used in the thermocouple applications.
Pure Molybdenum metal offers effective resistance to HCL and used in the chemical industries for acidic purposes. Thus the Molybdenum Mesh adapts the erosion resistance nature and offers long term performance. This mesh consists of molybdenum wire therefore both have similar properties like high conduction of heat and current and capability to work in the large temperature region etc.
Molybdenum is used in the manufacturing process of AISI and SAE steel and its high strength and expensive rates tend to use this metal little in the percentage such that Molybdenum is used only 0.5% or lesser. The heat treatable steels which constitute of Chromium tend to temper embrittlement however molybdenum tends to decrease or avoid this potential.
Molybdenum Mesh is primarily used in the large temperature applications of furnace and radio tube outlets, leaning of filament made of molybdenum and more.
Molybdenum doesn't find in the nature in the pure form but it is obtained in different oxidized forms. This metal quickly polymerizes to large ratio of complex polymeric compounds. These varieties of molybdenum are used in the industries in metallurgical operations.
You may be surprised hearing that we also intake molybdenum in our diet. It is the necessary part of diet. It has least toxic nature and molybdenum rich enzymes accelerate the metabolism actions. It is discarded by our kidneys and easily compensated within a few weeks.
So Molybdenum metal overall offers the effective performance for long term purposes while offering resistance to various environments.